Cleanlinest is next to ….

Jump to the end to find out how to use Russian steel ammo without potential illness.

Here’s what transpired on a recent trip to the local sand pit gun range.  The no-seeum’s are out and about.  We forgot the mickey mouse ear protection but I had foamies.

So…….  The gnats are out and i was bit 3-4 times in that ear.  Didn’t notice on the range.  We shot 9mm brass and the .223 russian steel ammo.

Turns out I get a nasty MRSA staph infection.  I think it was transferred from the steel case ammo to my foamie ear plug and then to the ear that had a bug bite (open wound).

Anyway, my ear blew up to x2+ within 24 hours.  The ER doc put me in the hospital 3+ days.  The amount of antibiotics that I needed could not be delivered by pill, it had to be IV.  Only the 2nd time I got laid up in the hospital, but hard part was, I didn’t have any pain.  Just sitting in the room and waiting for the next dose of Cipro or Vanco.

Be careful when using foamies. The only thing I could put together was the shooty and the new steel ammo.

I’m a mouse ear guy from now on or just go without.  If you’re using the cheap stuff, realize it may be biologically unsafe.  Saying that, I bought 500 rds of .223 steel case Brown Bear for the Zombie Apocalypse today. $114.